Tilly G. Lieberman

אימון אישי - טילי ג ליברמן

Positive Thinking Tips and Practice

An honest look at ourselves, who we would like to be around, who we would draw inspiration from, who would inspire us with a sense of ability and desire to do things, the answer will probably be people with a positive attitude and self-belief in their abilities and their dreams. Leaders lead by virtue of their ability to dream a future and offer it to people. Enthusiasm, belief in the path, and a sense of partnership harness you.

People who have recovered from serious illnesses and describe their process and their belief in themselves from a positive place are a source of inspiration for many who are in difficult situations. People who have managed to overcome difficulties in life and tell it from a place of strength and self-belief, people who will not give up even though… I have brought here a quick summary of the approaches, tips and one exercise to strengthen positive thinking.

Approaches that help develop positive thinking

  1. Optimism, willingness to take risks instead of making naive assumptions
  2. Acceptance of reality, not everything will immediately happen as you planned and wanted.
  3. Resilience and coping with disappointments and failures
  4. Gratitude for the good that exists
  5. Awareness and mindfulness, attention to the way of thinking and the ability to choose what to focus on and what to dwell on
  6. Integrity and authenticity, the ability to be honest and not just right, to be direct and courageous with your truth, allows you to respect the other who brings their truth.
  7. Understanding the importance of relationships across material elements
  8. Humor and a pleasant and friendly attitude
  9. Pyrgon

Tips for incorporating positive thinking into your daily life

  1. Decide to live with a positive attitude
  2. Surround myself with positive people.
  3. Listen to positive things like music and positive lectures and reduce the negative like news and other horrors.
  4. Help other people
  5. At the end of each day, write down good things that happened to me that day and write them down, every day.
  6. To give myself compliments, to highlight my strengths
  7. Say empowering words to yourself!
  8. To remind myself of all the good I already have and have done.
  9. Use uplifting quotes and phrases
  10. Focus on the good
  11. Bring humor even into complex situations
  12. Learning from every failure is a lesson in life.
  13. Speak positively towards yourself
  14. Focus on the present
  15. Surround yourself with more positive people, friends and mentors.
  16. Document positive events every day.
  17. Help others make people smile
  18. Focus on the positive things, they are not taken for granted. Both yours and others’. Increase!!
  19. Use the word “thank you” more.
  20. Stop to see a sunset, a deserted sea
  21. Listen to the music you love.
  22. breathe breathe breathe
  23. Think before responding.
  24. Treat yourself gently and forgivingly.
  25. Connect with love
  26. Help others on days when it’s hard to see the good.
  27. To see life with a little more rosy eyes.

Personal practice

תרגול חשיבה חיובית

Step 1 – Write down for yourself what your 5 strengths are . If there is something that is not written here, you can simply add it.




Artistic abilities


Open mind


Determination and perseverance




Social awareness







Love for learning

















Step B – For each of your strengths, fill in the table.

My strength is: _________________


In the field of leisure

In the field of work and career

In the field of relationships

In the field of personal development

How present is it in my life right now in this area (1-10)

What level do I want to reach / should I reach with this strength (1-10)

What more can I do with this strength of mine to advance myself in the field?

What should I reduce in this way of managing my strength in order to advance in the field?


Step 3 – Write down for yourself what you can do tomorrow morning, what your plan is for promoting yourself using your strengths.

Want to delve deeper, practice the change? I’m here for you.

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