Tilly G. Lieberman

הומור בעבודה - טילי ג ליברמן

Humor at work

Executive training to promote leadership

How come we lose so much?
Is it important for our success in the workplace?

This feature is not usually thought of.
As critical, but it is like that.

Sense of humor! And of course I’m not talking about
“Dahkot”, clowning and a stand-up show.

A sense of humor is an ability to create communication.
The one that evokes laughter that we intuitively recognize.

Humor often gives us a sense of freshness.
and renewal,

A surprising and new link between elements on the road
They were not intended to connect at all.

A study conducted on the subject showed that 90% of managers
We believe that a sense of humor helps progress,

And 84% claimed that people with humor do
Better work, and in general-

A sense of humor is an important part of art.

And the ability to work with people and make things happen

After all, we take ourselves seriously.
Plus, we lose our sense of humor in the workplace.

Humor, that all-important human element

Promotes communication, brings people closer, softens objections,

And most of us don’t dare use it for fear of getting caught.
Not serious.

What is the meaning of the notion that seriousness and humor are not
Are we going together, or maybe we’re missing something?

It’s easier to bring humor with colleagues and less
With managers above us,

For fear that our humor would seriously offend her
They catch us, in the act,

Or for fear of hurting someone, God forbid, or going out
A joke with not funny humor…

Introducing humor into language and communication takes some
More openness, authenticity, courage to be myself.

Do you have it?

How many fears drive you, every word
Calculated, every sentence sampled?

Leadership requires authenticity, authenticity
Requires courage.

Also the courage to see the humor in things.

Executive coaching enables connection to authenticity
And for courage, a new possibility for movement is created.

You can work on it and improve.

To reach wonderful places.

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