Tilly G. Lieberman

אימון אישי לאושר

What is happiness?

Do not refuse happiness/ Pablo Neruda

Slowly dying…

Those who don’t travel,

Whoever does not read,

Those who don’t listen to music,

He who does not find the grace within himself.

Slowly dying…

The one who destroys love for himself

He who rejects help is offered.

It is slowly dying…

Enslaved to his habits,

Returning to the same routes every day.

Slowly dying…,

The one that doesn’t change the brand

That does not change the color of clothing,

Who doesn’t talk to anyone he doesn’t know.

Slowly dying…

The one who evades the turmoil of the senses

Who prevents himself from desires,

That restore the shine of the eyes

And restore the broken heart.

Slowly dying…

The one who doesn’t turn the steering wheel

When he is not happy

From his work, from his actions, from his love…

Slowly dying…

The one that doesn’t jeopardize the certainty

Or uncertain,

To follow a dream.

Slowly dying…

The one who doesn’t allow himself

Even once in a lifetime

To escape from wise advice.

Live today!!

Dangerous today!!

Do it today!!

Do it immediately!!

Don’t agree to die slowly!

Remove the obstacles

Don’t refuse happiness!

"Telenovella" Post 110

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