Tilly G. Lieberman

Effective communication

Personal empowerment workshops provide a space for development, learning, and acquiring tools for efficient management and more effective interpersonal communication.
The dynamic work environment in which we operate requires us to adopt new processes in order to achieve effective results in the organization. Creative thinking, curiosity, and the existing human diversity require constant changes and new solutions.

The goal of the interpersonal communication workshop for managers is to create new thought processes, based on a broader observation of the possibilities and communication required of us according to the needs and diversity of voices.

Everything is much more possible when communication is effective. Effective interpersonal communication is open, participatory, and attentive communication. During the workshop for managers, working in a group creates a new space of possibilities that stems from interaction. The group space allows us to examine and explore new directions. Deeper communication through listening, understanding, and empathy allows us to deal with challenges differently. Understanding the common direction through real dialogue, deepening human understanding, and creating a more cohesive work group make it possible to achieve results in a beneficial way, and build the future of the group and the entire organization.

Executive Development and Effective Communication Workshop – Why is this the right workshop for your organization?

Personal empowerment, executive development, and effective communication workshops bring with them a wealth of benefits – for the effective management of the organization, as well as for the private lives of its managers. An effective interpersonal communication workshop provides managers with a wealth of ways to improve communication methods, in order to avoid “blowups” in collaborative work that result from a lack of communication within the team and between departments.

An effective communication workshop is a great tool and a gift for life, for managers of organizations, teams, and communities, who experience difficulty communicating between the various factors both vertically and horizontally, within teams and between departments, sectors, etc.

The workshop will experience a process that brings participants together with the points of connection and disconnection in communication, motivations, goals, and various interests, while learning through game and simulation experiences. Participants in the workshop for managers will learn tools to create a discourse that enables different, closer, and focused communication.

The topics covered in the Effective Communication Workshop

Effective, correct and efficient communication is the basis for the success of the entire organization. Every organizational process of any kind is managed by horizontal and vertical communication. Things seem simple, but at the same time they are not. The reason for this is that we are all, first and foremost, human beings who act according to our emotions, and are greatly influenced by the local culture and the atmosphere in the organization. We act emotionally, and so are our decisions. In an effective interpersonal communication workshop, we will learn a new way to convey messages, style, connection to context, authenticity and sensitivity, which will have a positive and action-provoking effect on the way the recipient of the message responds.

Good managers know how important communication is and how it affects how the message is conveyed, in style and to suit each person. In an effective communication workshop, we will talk, experience and experiment with topics such as:

  • The impact of effective communication on organizational processes
  • How effective communication changes relationships and influences motivation
  • How effective communication promotes organizational connectivity
  • Effective communication increases organizational efficiency and effectiveness and improves success.
  • Effective communication increases trust, and reduces fears and rumors.

The working method in an effective communication workshop for executive development

An effective communication workshop for executive development is an experiential workshop, in which we will work through multi-participant dialogue, games, and simulations in order to create different and more effective communication processes. We will use videos and models as needed.

Improving communication processes will affect several aspects that help organizations succeed, including the level of trust between people, relationships, organizational connectedness, individual and team motivation, decision-making processes, and performance.

Effective communication promotes motivation in work teams in an organization.. Executive development workshops provide participants with a set of tools that help them clearly communicate requirements to their teams, and provide feedback while they work. These improve the sense of competence, self-confidence, and increase motivation. The more open and enabling communication is, and the more information flows to people in an accessible and transparent way, the more they are able and willing to do more, with ease, curiosity, and interest.

Effective communication promotes decision-making processesThe possibility of making better decisions lies in accessible information and the willingness of all parties to take part based on knowledge, mutual understanding and responsibility. The more effective communication is, the more correct knowledge flows and therefore the decision-making processes are more complete and hence more appropriate and accurate for the organization’s needs now. Sometimes a sentence is enough to change the whole story one way or the other. The more comfortable people feel sharing or transferring information, the more they help decision-making processes from a broader base. This partnership also creates good formation and a higher sense of belonging of employees and managers to the organization, to each other.

And of course, effective communication ultimately helps improve performance for individuals, teams, and the entire organization.

Communication barriers are factors that make it difficult at every level. Not only on the feeling of loneliness, compartmentalization, lack of understanding and connection to the essence and meaning, but also on motivation, relationships, commitment to the organization, and more. Ultimately, as human beings, all we have to team up, work together, and build success lies in our ability to communicate effectively, meaningfully, positively, and proactively. So it’s worth paying attention to this, learning it, and moving forward.

We will learn, experiment, and experience all of these and more in the Managers’ Workshop on Effective Communication.

To this M3 Executive Development Workshop, I bring knowledge, experience, and skills from several professional content worlds:

As an organizational consultant who observes the entire organizational system, the relationships, the demands, and the communication in which she operates. As a professional personal trainer who works both as an executive trainer and as a researcher of coaching skills and the way to instill them, and as a group facilitator who works to create a space that allows for exploration and learning, thinking games, and experimentation in order to produce meaningful personal learning.

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