Tilly G. Lieberman

Corporate connectivity

Developing teamwork and employee engagement in an organization are issues that concern every productive organization – from large to small. The leading organizations in the world are organizations where employees feel connected to the goals and objectives of the organization and it is important for them to contribute and go above and beyond for the benefit of the organization.

An employee experience in an organization that creates connected employees – means significant savings in employee replacement costs, increased quality of performance, caring and proactive problem-solving on the part of employees. The meaning is economic: an impact on efficiency and productivity, as well as better coping in a competitive market.

Why now specifically an organizational connectivity workshop for the development of managers and employees?

Empowerment workshops

Significant changes in the world in general and in perceptions of the world of work in particular have led to a significant change in the value of loyalty and organizational commitment. On the one hand, the economic efficiency of the organization in which profitability comes first, and therefore employees cannot be guaranteed a long-term future. On the other hand, the variety of options and fields of activity creates more opportunities for employees, which has led to employees not hesitating to move on in order to develop and advance.

A Global Workplace Engagement Survey shows that 85% of employees in American organizations report not feeling connected to their workplace. This means that most employees give the organization time but not energy, passion, and creativity.

In a work environment without organizational connectivity, employees do not trust management, do not understand the organization’s goals, and do not give above and beyond what is expected. This is a global phenomenon that exists in many organizations around the world.

So we can wait with this until… or we can start working on it now.

Who is an organizational connectivity workshop for developing managers and employees suitable for?

The Organizational Connectivity Workshop is a workshop for developing managers, employees, and work teams in an organization, and the content and experiences are tailored to the type of organization and the nature of the work in it. The workshop is suitable for organizations that are interested in promoting human resilience in the organization, that understand the trends in the world, the younger generation that is entering the workplace and wants to organize accordingly, and provide the right response.

Objectives of the organizational brochure workshop

The main goal of the workshop is to allow managers to examine the work approach, managerial concepts, methods of communication and dealing with employees in the team and organization, and their impact on employee engagement.

Learn, get to know, and experiment with new approaches to communication and work methods that have an impact on employee engagement. Understand the rationale, and experiment.

Create the work system that is appropriate for the organization’s values ​​and goals in order to improve human resilience in the organization and provide a solution to employee departure, and to harness employees more significantly.

What are the methods in the organizational brochure workshop?

There is no single correct recipe for a real and specific process of employee engagement in an organization that can be taught in management development workshops. Each organization and each individual case is a product built by the managers themselves. An organizational engagement workshop provides a space that combines learning, experimentation, and the creation of customized and relevant solutions to the need.

Using methods from the world of personal coaching and personal empowerment, managers can help employees define their needs and desires for the development they need and together find solutions for employee engagement within the organization. The workshop will discuss ideas on topics such as how to integrate personal vision into the organization, how to create meaningful conversations, what are the tools for managing enabling discourse, how to engage people and create meaningful action, and more.

Using methods from the world of participatory leadership allows for an open space for dialogue that allows the knowledge that exists in the organization to produce the appropriate solutions at the moment. The workshop will raise ideas on topics such as how to reach “don’t know” and be attentive, and create from “nothing”, how to use all the information that already exists, how to activate the creativity in ourselves and in others, and more.

What is the focus of the workshop on creating organizational connectivity?

An organizational connectivity workshop aims to take the organization a big step forward in terms of collaboration. Here are some topics that will be covered in the workshop, on the way to achieving effective and satisfying organizational connectivity:

  1. Understand the organizational story, the meaning of organizational action, and connect employees to this meaning. Working from a place of value and understanding how my work is connected to the organization’s goals gives meaning to action and connects.
    • A meaningful work environment. The change in the perception of work requires creating meaning and added value to work. Organizational connectedness allows the employee to feel that he is part of something big and meaningful, the reason for which the organization was established increases motivation. Employees who see meaning in their work tend to perform better and stay longer in the organization.
    • Vision and values. Management is connected to the processes and leads the implementation of organizational values ​​and the vision into practice. (Signs with a vision and values ​​that are empty of content in their implementation create more harm than good, and skepticism among employees).
  2. Organizational development and precise placement. Ensuring that the right managers are in the right positions, that the leadership is meaningful and progressive.
  3. Effective communication at all levels of the organization. Open communication so that it is two-way, enabling, transparent, and participatory. Every voice counts and can have an impact.
  4. Constructive interpersonal communication and positive language. The executive development workshop will focus on practicing positive, encouraging language that sees the good, and the ability to have meaningful conversations that create a learning process without causing serious harm.
  5. Presence and listening. One of the reasons for employee departure is an unhealthy relationship with the direct manager. A manager with high awareness, presence, and attention, who sees the employee and praises him, listens to needs and finds ways to promote him, creates an environment in which there is high trust through transparency and continuous communication, and changes the behavior and level of outward movement of employees.
  6. Humor, joy, and playfulness. Ultimately, in places where we feel good, we are more optimistic, more sociable, healthier, and prefer to stay and enjoy ourselves.
  1. Collaboration and teamwork. This topic is of enormous importance from both a social and developmental perspective. Working in teams increases employee enjoyment and motivation, and hence organizational connectedness. Expanding the circles of collaboration within and outside the organization creates an enabling, curious, creative, developing, and pleasant environment to work in. Open dialogue brings more perspectives and possibilities for solutions.
  2. Recognition for effort, and a platform for successes and learning. In the workshop we will learn about the importance of encouraging communication that provides clear feedback. One of the most important things is knowing that you are seen.
  3. Management enables according to the needs of the employee and the tasks. Employees who feel they have room to act, not “sitting on their heads”, do more. Another element that helps is feedback – on the one hand, they see me and praise me for my work, on the other hand, it is the way to learn to improve and progress.
  1. Connect to a future career, create a path for intra-organizational development, learning, mentoring, etc.
  2. Open communication that sees the employee as a partner in the journey will allow new ways to be found. Conversations at eye level, openness and trust, sharing ideas and seeking common solutions create an environment in which the employee feels that his voice is heard, that he has influence, that he has the ability to create change and influence, connected to the organization and a work environment that is pleasant to be in. Open communication enables transparency, creates trust. Trust creates connection and belonging, reduces fears and shortens processes.
  3. Work-life balance. Create a social environment in the workplace, engage employees, but not only that. Be attentive to family needs, create time limits for work, ensure teamwork, and develop good interpersonal relationships and social interactions.
  4. Personal growth. Assistance in developing skills and specialization to be a source of knowledge and expertise. More freedom and autonomy in action. Future career development plan (an employee who does not see a future in the company does not feel committed and connected) and opportunities for growth within the organization with the help of mentoring, learning and creating infrastructures that enable growth and learning. Connection to community social projects, opening up to broader and more meaningful moves beyond just work. The employee is an asset that the company cultivates and therefore provides learning, a curious environment and opportunities.

Employee engagement is one of the most effective ways to develop organizations.

There are several ways to check the effectiveness of the process before and after, such as: surveys, checking the strength of the relationships in the organization by mapping, the organizational mood, the level of satisfaction. Of course, with digital tools that give a broad picture.

  1. Here are a few questions worth asking – the responses will teach you about organizational engagement, the sense of belonging and commitment that employees feel to the organization today – and how important it is to schedule a management development workshop to create organizational commitment – ​​in the near future:

    1. Do your employees know what is expected of them?
    2. Do employees have the tools to meet expectations? Do they receive training, explanations, and feedback?
    3. Do employees in the organization feel that they are contributing to the organization and fulfilling their abilities?
    4. Are your employees recognized for good performance?
    5. Are the relationships between employees and direct managers satisfactory, high-quality, and effective?
    6. Does the organization work to nurture the careers of employees and managers?
    7. Do employees feel part of an activity that is meaningful to them?
  1. To this organizational connectivity workshop, I bring knowledge, experience, and skills from several professional content worlds:

    As an organizational consultant who observes the entire organizational system, the relationships, the demands, and the communication in which she operates. As a professional personal trainer who works both as an executive trainer and as a researcher of coaching skills and the way to instill them. As a group facilitator who works to create a space that allows for exploration and learning, play, thinking, and experimentation in order to produce meaningful personal learning, and as a researcher and partner in the learning of participatory processes that enable a broader and enabling discourse, harnessing the wisdom of the collective for meaningful processes.

  1. Employee connectivity drives business. Organizations where employee connectivity is high are significantly less likely to have connected employees leave the organization than non-connected employees.

    Organizations with high employee engagement are growing faster than their competitors. The quality of performance and productivity of engaged employees is significantly higher than that of non-engaged employees, as is their level of satisfaction and retention. Engagement drives commitment.

  1. We begin by harnessing the management and executives at various levels. When we formalize the role of leadership in creating organizational connectedness, a new management concept is created, and the solutions accordingly.

  2. Contact me and book the organizational connectivity management and team development workshop – the changes will happen automatically.

Read more about workshops for managers and employees

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