Tilly G. Lieberman

Personal training,
Personal Transformation Training, Coaching

“We arrive at midlife completely unprepared. Worse still, we arrive equipped with prejudices, ideals, and truths that were good up until that point. It is impossible to live midlife according to the plan of the morning, because what was so significant until now will lose its importance, and the truth of the morning will become the mistake of the evening.” (Jung).
We live in an era of self-fulfillment, broad awareness, a desire to achieve more in a short period of time, a desire to be connected to who I am, to engage in meaningful activities.

Want to achieve more and advance yourself?
Want to move away from implosions and a feeling of dissatisfaction in life?
Want to work on better communication, self-confidence and assertiveness?

A process of personal training allows you to achieve all of these and more, in the best possible way.

It’s time to “take the wheel,” choose the path of personal empowerment, and promote change in life. It’s not possible to do this alone, because we are captive to our worldviews and our limiting beliefs about ourselves and life.
Personal transformation coaching deals with personal development processes, achieving personal goals and progress, changing careers in a field of occupation, focusing on one’s own needs, desires, and personal goals.
To create change, a holistic relationship is required, which sees the whole person in the cycles of his life, and should be tailored to his values. A personal training process is built with each person anew and according to his personal needs. Personal training processes deal with precision and personal empowerment, creating your own unique path that no one has yet taken, to fulfill your life and aspirations. It is tailoring a unique and one-time suit. Together, you characterize what is important and significant, what your desires, strengths and abilities are, and you build a plan that will achieve these goals, and during the training you deal with the fears and difficulties along the way, but not alone. With encouragement, help and support that allows you to overcome the obstacles along the way.

Personal coaching is a process carried out in a professional framework that allows for personal development, according to the change that is right for you, your goals and desires, with the aim of creating a significant change that allows for a life full of satisfaction, fulfillment and joy.

Personal training puts you at the center and allows you to achieve more and progress!

Personal training centers you in order to enable you to achieve and get the most out of yourself. This requires complete and mutual trust. Trust in the whole person with abilities who are able to promote themselves to achieve and improve. Personal training is about the future and less about the past, and is results-oriented!

I accompany people in change processes and train them to strengthen their mental “muscles” in order to understand deeply and achieve their goals. My expertise is the process and the way to achieve results, your expertise is your life, and together in a process of personal training we achieve the desired results. This happens while listening deeply to what is said and what is not, asking thought-provoking and challenging questions, and experiencing accompaniment, thus opening up new perspectives and additional possibilities for observing things, and creating a new reality.

Getting to know your personal story

Deep familiarity with yourself and your life story, the connection to strengths and challenges, precision in desires and understanding the drivers of motivation, allow you to create and choose a new set of thoughts and options into actions that will catapult you forward, to the successes and moments of satisfaction that you have been waiting for for a long time. In the personal coaching process, you develop and implement the specific desires and actions, habits and changes required to achieve all of this.

A moment to stop and give yourself time, time just for you, time to think and reflect on things. Time that you haven’t given yourself in a while. A deep and meaningful investigation to understand what I really want from my life now. Not out of drifting and being dragged along but out of a brave and conscious choice. Time to examine the habits, beliefs, and perceptions that advance or hold you back, time to decide what’s really next and how to do it.

I invite you to a personal coaching process, a powerful process that will allow you to get the most out of it and a little more, to achieve what you have been hoping to achieve for a long time and has not yet happened. Like any success, personal success also requires a process and a plan, and personal coaching provides the space that allows things to happen. Together we will focus and advance your personal path to your power and the long-awaited change in life.

When does personal training really help?

Many who seek personal training come from daily struggles and difficulties that often stem from low self-confidence and a lack of assertiveness, but there are a variety of other reasons why people come to me for personal training, with short-term or long-term challenges such as:

Improving self-confidence and assertiveness | Better interpersonal communication | How to overcome fears and obstacles that prevent you from fulfilling plans | Dealing with making significant decisions | Achieve new goals and advance in life | Work on balancing career and work | Embark on a new path in studies or work | And more…

How do you progress from here to personal training with me?

The process can be carried out in face-to-face conversations in my training space, in online meetings with Zoom or any other convenient and secure internet framework. So let’s talk? All the means of communication are here, I would be very happy to train you, and together we will embark on a process of significant change and advancement that will make life better and more accurate.
Tilly G. Lieberman

Questions and answers in brief

A personal training process is, as its name suggests, a private process of observation and reflection for the purpose of developing and choosing new habits, a more appropriate path. The sessions last about an hour, during which we will talk, try new exercises and perspectives – and sometimes tasks and challenges between sessions.

The personal coaching framework is designed to allow you to “peek” at your life habits and challenges with new eyes. A personal life coach will help you change your perspective, choose more proactive options, and direct and create a happier and more fulfilling life for yourself.

Very nice. I am Tilly Lieberman, a personal trainer with over two decades of experience in personal development training and leading coaching and executive workshops. I invite you to contact me and begin the path to improving your life, achieving your goals, and achieving more satisfaction and joy!

Read more about Personal Coaching

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