It's Zoom time!
Since the beginning of the Corona days, Zoom has taken over life. Zoom in personal training Zoom in management workshops Zoom in family conversations, ZoomZoomZoom….
There are advantages! For example, more people from different districts that were difficult to reach, shorter and more focused, no traffic jams on the way, you can stay in shorts if you don’t forget to get up!
There are also disadvantages. For example, the size of the people is only what fits into the square, only the upper part. Body language is limited and the rabbi relies mostly on facial expressions. Less patience, more limited personal exposure.
A human encounter is far beyond content and text, it is far beyond one process or another. It is multidimensional. It operates in all the senses. That sense of smell is also part of an encounter, and that is absent. Also the social touch, the handshake. In a group there is another aspect and that is the possibility of speaking at the same time while bursting out… everything is so Israeli that it cannot exist on Zoom.
What did we learn about ourselves?
Seeing yourself talking, expressing yourself, and even getting angry in front of your own eyes…it’s not easy, but it’s a huge learning experience. It’s a very significant learning experience if we’re willing to look at ourselves honestly. What are the facial expressions, how well do facial expressions match the feelings, and how does it come across on screen…or less.
And there are the missing...
The level of concentration is lower on Zoom in most cases. But is that how we imagined ourselves? That this is our level of concentration, patience? And what happens to us when our patience runs out? In the past, we could look away from the phone and think that no one was paying attention. Chat with this or that person next to us and think that it doesn’t bother us, and over and over again. It seemed that the presenter could manage, and even if not, we didn’t really think about it.
And now what? What now? Everything is in front of everyone’s eyes! But also in front of yourself. And it is not always a pleasant sight, it certainly raises the question of whether it is in the interest, fair? Or what should I do differently. The answer starts with …. not participating in every possible zoom, only in what is really important and required. 🙂
Practicing on Zoom
I experience less difficulty in personal and professional coaching processes on Zoom. When it’s one-on-one, when it’s about a personal matter that’s important to a person, the level of concentration is completely high and there is no problem with connection and communication due to the platform.
One of the challenging moves in the training process is, for example, to think about the future, to enter a dream “mode” for a while, to fly a little higher. And this is a bit challenging in Zoom. While in a human meeting you can use different means such as music or color, in a Zoom meeting, due to the distance, it feels a little different. But solutions have been found for this too that made it possible to dream and think about a different future. So it seems that here the advantages of Zoom do not harm the authenticity and the connection between trainer and trainee. And they add a certain dimension of focus.
Anyway, I’m all for it, and it works great.
Zoom workshops
Despite my immense love for group meetings and séances in real life, in reality, live, the Corona forced us to switch to Zoom. There’s no point in saying it’s really not the same. More challenging, less personal, and a little less room for personal expression and humor. I also love the in-between parts, the coffee, the jokes along the way, the personal connections, and that’s less possible on Zoom. As soon as two people are talking at the same time, you can’t hear anything. In reality, it works a little differently. So there’s a difference.
And also…everything is squared in a meeting, I work with a lot of movement and shifting of people and myself, and with Zoom this doesn’t really exist. On the other hand, there are many other very nice options that allow you to do good work in this format as well. Dividing into discussion rooms, using software to collect knowledge and create shared mind maps, and in the end everything is documented and doesn’t get lost.
Even the simulation works great – everyone darkens the cameras and only the two of them remain…feels like the real thing. In short, we improved with the zoom, found ways to work around and improve. Specifically for me, it still feels like a replacement, but you get used to it.
Ask on Zoom
I’ve opened a new service called ZoomTilli :)) In short, my Zoom will become a business in itself. Soon we’ll open an avatar that will sit in our place and we’ll go to sea… the world is flying forward.
If you want to ask how you can promote a workshop, lecture or training on Zoom, you are welcome to talk to me, or schedule a meeting directly here.