Tilly G. Lieberman

If you need advice, I can help. Businesswoman with curly blonde hair indoors in room with orange colored wall and wooden table.

Career coaching for you!

Your career has the biggest impact on your life!

It is impossible to diminish or reduce the intensity of the influence your career has on the life you have and will have. Beyond the financial dimension, your career affects your mood and self-perception, your sense of ability to do, be, create, influence change, your social circles, connections, personal and professional development, your ability to grow and flourish, the environment we live in, what we are exposed to, and not only us but also the circles close to us.

And beyond that, given the fact that most of our waking time is spent directly or indirectly at work, it should at least be the right, interesting, and exciting thing that we really want to do!

Why career coaching?

Career coaching is a professional personal coaching process that focuses on developing inner leadership in order to achieve the professional achievements you desire. Career coaching is a process that helps plan your growth and development path, and delves into questions such as:

Am I in the right place professionally, what do I need to develop more in order to achieve the next thing?

How and why to change my current career path, in order to fulfill my ambitions, realize my calling, or reach more senior and influential positions.

We are busy searching for the right path to continue our professional progress. This is a fundamental question in life: am I on the right path, am I fulfilling myself, is this my calling, is this the thing? These questions do not escape us. The world around us discusses these questions at all levels and in every possible media. A real answer can be reached through investigation and deepening of essential questions, sharp and clear courageous observation, and the use of tools that help you better understand what challenges you are really facing, and which are currently stopping you from moving forward and fulfilling your aspirations and desires.
To go further, succeed, be more meaningful to yourself and your environment, and create the right career for you, you need a personalized plan! Planning your path of progress in an orderly process that gives clear results, self-examination and reflection, asking the right questions, and developing the necessary skills. Everything you need to advance – that’s what career coaching is for.

In the hustle and bustle, your true self comes out!

He mentioned this excellent sentence to a CEO who was trying to explain what he had learned about ourselves over the years. In this situation, he says, there is no way to pretend. I can’t pretend to have the patience to hear people’s opinions because they are too slow for me, and the pressure around me simply doesn’t allow me to waste any more energy on pretending, on being nice. I don’t really believe in it, so why should I try…

If on a normal day we can pretend and make an effort, on stressful days it just comes out of us, almost out of control. Our shaky places that are run by fear or shame, everything we try to hide from the world and ourselves, our weak points that are uncomfortable to admit.

One way is to hide, and it works until it doesn’t. Another way is to practice upgrading our abilities in a way that will serve us best even in moments of stress. Since authenticity is part of the story, it is precisely recognition and understanding that make it possible to act differently, as opposed to shame and concealment.

Examine your career from several angles

Many of us work for years in jobs that don’t really suit them, investing a lot of energy and time to achieve goals that don’t really interest them, and after a few years find themselves paralyzed and having difficulty moving, whether it’s because the status they’ve reached puts them in a golden cage, or because the fear of change after you’ve gotten used to living a certain way sticks.

Work is a significant part of our lives, and therefore it is important that we get the most out of it, for ourselves. For enjoyment, personal development, achievement, a sense of value and belonging, and, no less importantly, a livelihood. But it is not the only parameter in a meaningful career. And yes, it is true, work is not necessarily a career.

You don’t have to stop everything to examine what’s really important to me at this stage of my life. You don’t have to change jobs or take time off from everything to give yourself time to think deeply. On the contrary. The lack of pressure to find a new place can be an excellent time to examine things deeply. Ask yourself questions like, am I in the right place for me right now in terms of interest, role, influence, organization. Do I connect with what’s happening, do I care? What works for me and what doesn’t.

To help and pinpoint what career best suits my character, my values ​​and principles, my way of thinking, my personal characteristics, and my motivations, a number of tests have been developed in recent years that help map strengths, motivations, and bring from global research and statistics what people with motivations like yours would be right to associate with themselves as a career. What are the central characteristics that are important to you and how do they connect to the characteristics of the various professions.
People whose most important motivation is independence at work will develop a different career than people whose main motivation is security.

“People whose work doesn’t reflect their skills tend to suffer from depression…”

This is what a 2013 Gallup poll found, and the implications of this are clear for both the organization and the individual. Why stay in a job like this and pay a high personal and social health price? All the correct answers will begin with the phrase fear of…. Financial or class success also does not necessarily lead to a sense of satisfaction. Surprisingly, money is not a satisfying factor in light of time.

Know what motivates you from within

There are several questionnaires that can give a general direction as to what suits you better. What are your personality characteristics or what are your motivations. Whether it is excellence or creativity, money or learning, autonomy or teamwork, understanding what really motivates us helps us to make our choices more precise. True, we have both in us in different doses and in different aspects of life, but questionnaires allow us to understand what is more, what activates you more easily and naturally, according to your prominent motivations to connect and choose a career and job that suits you better. For example, if your motivation is achievement, it would be right to be in jobs that require daily coping, with an emphasis on excellence, deadlines, management or at least self-management. If your motivation is more in the direction of helping, listening, caring and supporting people, it would be right to be in positions that allow working with people and assisting them on a daily basis. In such a case, being a freelance programmer is less right.

What do you get out of this?

What happens to people who are satisfied with their careers? Satisfying enthusiasm and excitement on a personal level, but also high engagement and motivation to perform at an organizational level. What is the difference? The main difference is between a person who takes responsibility for their career, understands what is right and seeks ways to realize their abilities in the workplace, and someone who flows with what is without examining what is truly important and meaningful to you, what sparks your passion in the workplace, what your personal motivation is that will make you do more. Because after all, each of us has a different mix of desires and motivations. When we are in places where our motivation is welcomed and appreciated, we do more and enjoy it more.

Career coaching is what you need now.

What is career coaching about? Career coaching will allow you to examine in laboratory conditions what is real, what is now, what is right. Focus on the path and get there step by step.

A career coaching process will focus you on understanding how to act in a direction that will enable your career development to reach the next level – within the organization or in a new professional path. People come to career coaching to solve dilemmas, questions and challenges in the professional world such as:
What is the right path for me to continue my development | What is the right professional and educational path for me | How to maximize my abilities in my career | What are the skills required for the next stage and how to develop them | How to create positive communication within the workplace | How to brand myself and do correct and positive public relations in and outside the organization | How to balance all worlds without destroying career and life balance |

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