Tilly G. Lieberman

אימון קריירה

Career Coaching and Workplace Public Relations Part 2

on  To move your career forward, the first thing you need to do is change your mindset and move away from passivity.
To activism. This is best done in real action and it is possible and even desirable and helpful to try to assist in the process of career coaching. After we have understood the perception that determines us ( details  Career Coaching and Public Relations Post 1 )

Our questions in the career coaching process are:

1. What do I need to overcome in myself, where is my real difficulty?

2. What and how do you go about a career coaching process in the workplace?

In general, when we dig too much, we do less,  And vice versa. 

When we do a lot, we often don’t have anything left.  Enough time for thinking and processing. Both are important, not one at the expense of the other. In career coaching, we work on both the cognitive and practical levels.

or  Ki. So how do you start the process of career coaching?   

In progress Career coaching First we understand  What is stopping us?  From advancing ourselves. And then how do we overcome that?  Everything has a different reason. Each reason produces a different set of activities.

Some examples of the career coaching process  –

  • If what’s scary is that I don’t have all the skills required, it’s worth mapping out what I have and examining how it relates to the next step I want. What do I already have?  What am I missing, how and where can I learn to experiment and understand what this means? Is the gap that big?  Or maybe not anymore.  This is an action plan that will advance  You so that after a period of time you can come and say this is what I want and I have the alphabet.
  • If what’s scary is insecurity, it’s worth saying why.  I deserve something, why am I the right person – then preparation of the conversation is required. What is the text, how will it be carried out?  The serving, you can practice it with friends, family, and coaches, until you reach the comfortable feeling of  Talk it out and be confident enough.
  • If what’s scary in a career is, for example, the feeling that someone is harassing me  And I’m stuck. Understanding the connections in the system and the bypassing connections.
  • If it’s like this – not enough people know what I do – then how do I start telling people what I do in my organization? How do I create a situation where people know that this is what I do?
  • If I don’t have enough connections – then work on development  Connections. Start seeing which people are important to me for continued progress, and find ways to sit with them.  In discussions, assist them, give them knowledge and information, suggest and initiate meetings, and ideas  With them specifically.
  • If in general I feel like I’m not seen enough, how can I make them see me? Now here’s the good thing: it doesn’t have to be just about actions.  Professional. If I can bring something from my private world to the organization, it also puts a different focus on me.
    And people from a wider range of roles know me, and then it’s easier to connect later.
  • And if the difficulty is how to start conversations with people then  You can prepare a list of 4-5 questions that make you smile and break the ice. Or an icebreaker sentence. Me  For example, there’s always the messing around with my name. Very effective. But also a sentence like “Did you know that… I saw”  That… I heard that… not from a place of gossip, God forbid… or in a book I read that… or anything new
    And another related to your content worlds. And a beginning is created there after which it is easy  More. Once you have something ready, it’s much easier to flow.
    A lot of people get stuck in spontaneity and are afraid. So do spontaneity in moderation.
  • And if this is a worldview of modesty…then let’s understand whether  Is it really modesty to deny the world the power, abilities, and skills you have?
  • And if it’s the fear that progress will affect relationships  Mine with the people I work with…or
  • Whether it’s fear that it will disrupt the work-home balance or I don’t have enough support at home

In summary, what happens in a career coaching process 

Understanding what is bothering us and scaring us is the big step, and the deep questions asked in the process of training for a deep exploration of perception help to discover the format of thinking. Once this is clear, you can do something. Find a solution. Practice things and move on. Or understand that this is the situation right now but from a good and whole place and not resentful. And even share the timeline of my progress with those who need it, and myself first.  So now that we understand what scares us, how do we overcome it?

Will this allow us to do public relations at our workplace in a hurry?

The answer  She probably still hasn’t.  That when we say in a nutshell  People make the mistake of thinking that it’s completely spontaneous…it doesn’t have to be. Even the best and most convincing actor  Practice this situation many times before we see it. And it looks the most real and authentic.  

So if you’re not good at something, practice until it sounds real and authentic enough for it to be  In the back…seemingly. So my suggestion is to practice a lot until it’s in the back, seemingly. In front of the mirror, on tape, on friends in any way.  

To  We need to have a good text for every meeting, so that we can create good public relations for ourselves.  We need to be prepared with our messages. What is my core value, what is my uniqueness, what  My abilities, what have I done recently that is worth talking about. What do I know is my “superpower”. My superpower. And don’t let your head tell you but everyone has it or it’s the same for everyone…. No!  Define it in your own words, with your own energy, and speak it. Something real that will feel good to someone.  Who hears the truth in this and will remember you better.

As part of the career coaching process, keep a career diary that will document your activities at the most detailed level: 

  1. My professional skills and abilities – what do I know?  to do in the professional context, what knowledge do I have, what practical experience do I have. Not only at the level  roles and titles but also at the level of successes, places I influenced and was involved in. What
    The benefits I brought to the system. What is already there, what has been accumulated, and what I would like to have so that I can move forward.  To the next stage. What is required for the next stage.
  2. My interpersonal skills and abilities – what am I good at?  Within my relationships. You were able to work with people, listen, coordinate, speak at eye level.  What’s more and what’s less. What do I already have that’s beautiful, and what do I want to improve and work on,
    Experiment with it, maybe test it outside the workplace, but it’s worth perfecting. Small Talk,  Starting a conversation, listening, how much I talk compared to the other person  The second, how personally interested I am or not, nice or not, humor, stories, etc.
  3. And the third and most important thing is questions with myself –
  4. What really scares me about progressing at work? and career
    1. What can help me get over this? What do I need?  What is missing is already there. Check.
    1. What do I really want my career to look like in a year?  Two or three years. And how am I working to get there?

In the career coaching process: 

In everything related to the career coaching process, unfortunately,  There are no magic or fairy tales here either. Here too, work is required to advance in your career.   
Independent people experience this more acutely than intentionally.  That everything depends on them, and blaming the customers doesn’t help much either…I know. 

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