Tilly G. Lieberman

אישה צבעונית

Career coaching for a better future!

Bring positivity into your career! Career coaching that works with you.

Recent years have been flooded with research on the significance of positive thinking for our abilities and achievements. Brain studies have shown that our survival brain used to be good and efficient, but now it is a nuisance and an inhibitor. It turns out that a positive and happy brain is a more creative brain. The survival brain operates on the same routines that worked in the past. How does this affect our careers?

We will reduce our destructive voices. The better we understand and recognize them, the faster we recognize them, and the weaker we will be, the better we will be able to allow our optimistic brain to work. The equation is – more optimism in life equals more creativity, a broader perspective, and better achievements in the world of work.

We will increase our positive voices, those that enable positive thinking, by using positive language, with a broader interpretation of events and challenges. One that sees an opportunity for growth and change into something different.

We will work on our perceptions about work and career, such as: how much we have to suffer to succeed, how hard work is supposed to be, money doesn’t grow on trees, and more. Perceptions that govern us in an unthankful way affect the way our brain works and responds, which ultimately affects the outcome. A positive perception can significantly change our attitude and the outcome.

1. When is career coaching right for you?

When we are in the world of work but feel that it is not the right and most appropriate place right now. When we fail to bring the best of ourselves, when we are not satisfied and unfulfilled.

When you want to enter the world of work and are unsure of which field to choose

Or when you want to change your work style, workload, freelancer, a complete change from what was there before.

2. What is career coaching and how does it help you?

Career coaching combines a training process and a consulting aspect. Coaching is a goal-oriented process, with the goal defined by the client of course, and ultimately deals with what is required, what steps need to be taken to achieve the goal. And for this purpose, there are concrete steps and a deeper understanding of the person themselves in the context of career and the world of work. For example, concrete can deal with resumes, ways of self-promotion, self-presentation, etc., deep understanding will deal with the essential questions of what is meaningful to you, what is important for you to achieve in the world of work and why, whether the way the person acts promotes or hinders them and other questions

The central essence of the coaching process is to help people evaluate their professional abilities in a broader and more genuine way, first of all by focusing on the subject, curiosity, empathy and also self-compassion. Most of us judge ourselves in a very rigid way that does not allow us to really dare. Then to dream of a future, to aim for what we would like to achieve and to ask ourselves if so how do we do it, what am I really willing to do for it.

3. Wrong assumptions about career coaching

The assumption that preparing a resume is a matter of designing and writing the right words, that someone else can do it better for you.

That a coach or trainer for that matter will find you a job

That you can solve the difficulties and challenges, what you couldn’t do on your own, in one quick meeting. No.

4. What do you gain from the career coaching process?

Several good things can come out of a career coaching process, such as:

  • A deep understanding of your abilities, which enhances your sense of confidence in your actions and professionalism.
  • Insights into what is truly important and meaningful to me, what is better for me and right for me, what is worth investing my waking hours, energy, and life on.
  • Inspiration and thinking from a different perspective that opens up new possibilities. And these possibilities can be in the professional aspect as well as the personal aspect. The person’s relation to himself and his work in a different way that creates clarity, precise focus.
  • The opportunity for honest and open sharing with a non-judgmental coach who is interested in your well-being. Works to help you see yourself and does not come with an agenda of what you should be, but helps you discover yourself. Due to the pressure that exists in such a process, there is often a feeling of immense loneliness, and the ability to share is in itself very relieving. The anxiety, loneliness and vulnerability are supported. Sometimes these are exactly the factors that stop you, and understanding them is liberating.

5. Career coaching for your next step

The first choices of the world of work and sometimes even of studies are not always conscious or accompanied by deep thought. Sometimes it’s family and social pressure, sometimes it’s a self-perception that has been established for a long time. We go in and flow and one day something there doesn’t work for us anymore. Many times it’s a feeling of I’m not right, what’s wrong with me. Sometimes it’s because it doesn’t fit anymore.

Understanding why we do what we do, what the internal motivation is, why it’s important… To understand this, you need to stop and ask, but most of us just run. So if it’s tickling your brain and you’re stopped, for whatever reason, it’s time to examine things in depth.

Why this job, why this company, why this role, is this the future I want for myself, is this the present I want for myself. What scares me about linguistics, what stops me from daring, what doesn’t allow me to flourish, what I have, what’s around me. What prevents me from being at my peak in pleasure and joy every day.

This understanding is very important, freeing us from fixations and irrelevant perceptions and allowing us to move forward.

6. Interesting challenges that arise during career coaching

In the process of examining your desires and dreams, questions and doubts about inhibiting factors usually arise. For example, a senior manager who was afraid of a man with a political position in the organization who used to shout. She cringed every time he raised his voice. She wondered what could be done if he had power, even though she had no less power than the mob.

He was afraid of standing out, what they would say about me, afraid of being perceived as arrogant and arrogant, afraid of being different, of expressing a different voice than what is spoken, what is accepted. Fear of leaving a safe place, fear of giving up something good in favor of something more exciting. Fear of losing income, fear of losing status and influence.

Difficulty in creating proper public relations for ourselves, to make people think what we did, that this is us. Difficulty in asking for a promotion because the time has come. Fear of asking, fear of having such conversations.

How to create good relationships with people in the organization, with partners, colleagues, and clients. How to tell the world that I am talented, good, and know-it-all. When to tell who and where. How to develop an initial conversation, and in the hybrid world without a dining room or coffee stand, hallway or elevator conversations.

7. At what stage is career coaching meaningful and progressive?

Career coaching is right for every stage, every leap, and every change that you need, and it can be difficult to create it on your own. When you’re at the beginning, the advantage is that it allows for a very clear entry into the world of work after you’ve understood what your true desire is, what your inner motivation is for doing it at all. It’s an entry from a position of choice, not from a position of drifting after someone or something.

  • When you want to make a change between roles, between organizations, between content worlds
  • When you realize that something is not progressing as it seems right, that there is a delay and you can no longer just excuse it with “the world doesn’t see me,” as the saying goes, when you understand that help is needed to move on from the implosions and repetition.
  • In short, when I’m tired of the frequency of words, I hate my job, I have Sunday nightmares, Saturday nights are the hardest… Growing up, it’s worth getting into the process!

8. What really affects your job satisfaction?

Organizational culture has a profound effect on employee satisfaction. It’s not for nothing that large companies invest a lot in employee well-being in various aspects. Studies conducted on reasons for employee departure have made it clear that relationships with the direct manager are a major reason for an employee to stay or leave. The management structure is based on the organization’s culture. Is it an organization with a positive spirit, good energy, level of hierarchy and bureaucracy, worldview regarding creativity, change, diversity, enjoyment and joy. Are employees’ needs and desires taken into account, is it an environment that encourages personal and professional development. When these are met, internal motivation often works better, we try to share, invest … it’s a wheel that feeds itself.

Organizations that are open to the effect of employee satisfaction on the growth of the entire organization work to enable this and provide training processes that help an individual to be precise in the context of work, prepare themselves for the next step in the next role, find a better balance in life between the workloads, create better relationships, and generally develop as a person and as an employee.

The better off people are in the company (assuming they are in the right place for them professionally), the better people there are in the organization, the better people want to be part of the organization. And this is also a self-feeding wheel.

9. Is it suitable for everyone?

Who is it for and who is it not for? A person who is open to thinking about things, willing to ask meaningful questions, think about things, and step out of their comfort zone will be able to achieve much more. You will be able to achieve much more.

It is a process of which sharing is a part, there are ups and downs, not everything goes smoothly. It takes some courage to look honestly at ourselves. As a coach, I come to the process from a place that allows us to search and explore honestly with authenticity and courage. I have no agenda about what is right for a person or not, I mainly help a person hear themselves beyond the noise. To believe in themselves beyond fears, and to do what is right for them out of a sense of purpose and meaning.

Situations in which career coaching will not be successful would be, for example, in cases of depression. In such a situation, it is advisable and appropriate to seek the help of a professional in the field of treatment or with medical assistance in consultation with a doctor, since mental strength is required to carry out the process.

In areas of fear or low self-confidence, where there is a halt or where the person is constantly putting obstacles in their own way, it would be wise to work on these aspects first and only then begin the career journey.

Career coaching will not take place if the client is not really interested, if he or she was pushed into it, if it does not come from a true inner desire to do it.

10. Exciting successes in career coaching

People who came to me with a dream that had been in their heads for years but all the fears stopped them. Going through the process of understanding the dream, why, why now, creating the future they want, building a work plan and establishing it is super exciting.

People who were afraid to submit a resume and didn’t move from that position for years

People who managed to overcome paralyzing inner voices, raised their heads and made a crazy change to significant leadership.

People who suffered in the workplace, and found a way to create a different course in their communication, which made it possible to stay in the workplace and not suffer, but on the contrary, enjoy the environment and the benefits that the work provides.

5 questions and summary

  1. If everything is possible, what would you really want, would you want,  Engage and develop a career
  2. What is the thing that most intrigues you about yourself in the future?
  3. Who are the people you would like to have as part of your world every day?
  4. With the changing world and uncertain future in mind, what part of the world would you like to belong to, what would it look like?
  5. What are your qualities and habits that help you achieve your dreams and desires and what are the qualities and habits that hold you back?

When we do something that is meaningful to us, that we love and enjoy doing, work is a great place to be. Some might say it doesn’t feel like work. But the point is not the wording but the fact that a large part of our comments that happen at work become enjoyable. This is very important for mental health and allows us to flourish and grow, really. The ideal situation is when there is a match between our values ​​and the values ​​of our workplace. Connecting personal meaning to daily work creates a huge sense of satisfaction.

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