Tilly G. Lieberman


Positive thinking nonsense or science

If you are not yet convinced that positive thinking is a significant factor that affects our quality of life, our ability to dream about the future, our physical and mental health, positive human communication, and many more positive elements that have been scientifically proven, this post will put things in order for you.

The world of personal training has been based from the beginning on the idea that people do more for themselves and are more successful the more they think and see themselves as capable and capable. Many of us grew up with criticism at home and in the education system, and conduct this discourse in our heads out of habit or thinking that criticism will improve us. And there is a certain degree of possibility for improvement if we really look at things clearly. But what often happens is that the texts and inner voices are mainly of guilt, humiliation, shame and lowering of self-worth without any substantive criticism, of the body of the matter and not of the body of the person. Which creates fear and explosions instead of change and improvement.

What is dangerous in this situation? The feeling of lack of control over events and life is intensified, which creates a sense of overwhelming defeat, loss of strength and vitality. Reality may not be perfect, but in this particular situation, would wallowing in the bad help us or leave us in place? And if you could strangely generate positive thinking specifically in the face of chaotic and challenging situations, wouldn’t the chance of getting out of them faster and better increase?

When this is not your attitude , your positive worldview is silenced by statements like it’s not realistic, it’s rose-colored glasses, people are just working on themselves, they don’t see reality, etc., etc. Even people who are usually optimistic have difficulty thinking positive thoughts on more challenging days, when things are less going well and activate the mechanisms of self-criticism, blame, and negativity. And all this despite the fact that it is clear to us that life is easier and more pleasant for those who see the glass as half full.

1. Why positive thinking is beneficial

It is quite clear to all of us that we work better when we feel good. And we would like to be in feelings and emotions of joy, full of contentment, pride and love, as much as possible. Yes, yes, then our functioning is at its peak. Joy inspires a desire to play, which encourages stretching boundaries. A sense of satisfaction inspires a broader view of yourself and the world. A positive view of reality inspires in us the option to challenge reality, to do things, to dare and to cope. Which builds internal resilience.

2. What is positive thinking?

Absolutely not burying your head in the sand. It’s not ignoring, it’s not seeing everything rosy, and it’s not being stupid. There are difficult parts of the world. A positive outlook is a mental attitude that looks for the positive, encouraging part in every situation. It is based on the mental state that generates hope, looks beyond the difficulty of the moment and the conditions of the present, and generates social emotional resources for positive action.

People who think positively try to make the best of it by focusing on what is out of their control and releasing what is out of their control, looking for a way to improve the situation and learning from it.

The fact that we all seek to improve our lives, whether it’s at the gym, shopping, vacations, etc., indicates that this is a human story. We want to do better for ourselves. The ways are many and varied, external and internal. Studies show that people with a positive attitude live healthier, happier, and longer lives. So why not use positive thinking instead of all the shopping…? The reason is that positive thinking is not naturally in our toolbox. Among other things, this is because we live in a very critical and competitive, cynical and impatient society, faster and now if possible.

Yes, we internalized it. We also like quick, external solutions. It’s just like paracetamol. It’s fine if it’s occasionally, but not good enough if it’s a way of life.

Studies indicating the impact of positive thinking on quality of life have presented three significant main conclusions:

  1. Negative thinking signals the body to activate the immune system.

(A topic that has been studied for over 30 years in hundreds of different experiments)

Stress affects our immune system and changes it. The level of impact of stress stems from the duration and intensity of the event. Not all stress has an effect, but major events affect our immune system and change it. Chronic stress that lasts a long time and undermines our identity, such as divorce, layoffs, death, illness, etc., leave a real mark on us. How does positive thinking affect such a situation? In light of the fact that our body responds to the emotions that arise in us, and our emotions are an automatic translation of thoughts, and our thoughts stem from the way we learned, got used to seeing things and interpreting them… Here we have an influence – on the interpretation we give to events. Practicing positive thinking, looking for the best in every situation helps reduce stress and allows us to function better. An increase in stress hormones (cortisol) disrupts the transmission of communication in the brain and we get stuck and are unable to see beyond the situation to find solutions, and of course this affects the rest of the body’s systems.

  1. Positive thinking reduces anxiety, visualization, imagination, and self-talk reduce negative thinking and disturbing thoughts.

Studies in this field show that positive images or any configuration that leads to positive and encouraging thinking is better than negative thinking, both in terms of the chemical effect on the body, and from there in terms of the impact on the ability to think and express, creativity and finding solutions and possibilities. Since the subconscious does not distinguish between reality and imagination, as has also been proven in studies dealing with the medical effects of drugs and placebo operations, the use of positive visual means acts a bit like a magic bullet that reduces stress and increases happiness.

News is the opposite of positive thinking, as it floods the mind with negative images.

  1. Positive people are happier, and will engage in less unhealthy behaviors. Happiness promotes our quality of life in health at work and in relationships.

Studies conducted over the years on tens of thousands of people have sought to examine whether happiness creates success or vice versa. Among the results was that happy people are less involved in destructive behaviors such as smoking, unhealthy eating, and excessive use of addictive substances. Over time, positive emotions help a person build physical and intellectual social capital. Positive thinking allows for the creation of positive emotions such as joy, happiness, resilience, and contentment. Which of course allows for a positive outlook and a lighter perspective on life.

3. Work on positive thinking

Positive emotions expand our awareness. Our brain opens and expands thinking in the face of a flood of positive thoughts, and closes and closes in the face of negative thoughts. Positive thinking opens our spatial vision, and when we are able to see with a broader perspective, we have the ability to integrate. Take Professor Barbara Fredrickson, a researcher in the field of happiness science, who has been claiming and proving this for years.

The more times and moments of positive thinking we have in the aggregate, over time, our brain learns to behave differently. To be the better version of ourselves and with a higher level of mental resilience. Positive thinking releases dopamine into our brain and brings us into a state of exploration and experimentation, and a desire to draw closer and create connections. More us versus me.

How can you work on it if it doesn’t come naturally? The answer is in the body. This too has been scientifically studied and has proven that presenting ourselves to ourselves as having ability, status and talent even when these are not perceived as real, for at least 2 minutes, increases the feeling of competence and self-confidence. Imitation of happy facial expressions evokes feelings of joy in us and sadness will evoke feelings of sadness in us, in short, practice and play until it feels real. It turns out that the body’s chemistry responds to truth and fiction in a similar way. And the best evidence for this is the placebo.

Science proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that positive thinking contributes to a better quality of life. If it doesn’t come naturally to you or in a way that allows you to progress, you can practice it. New thinking, practice, and persistence will help you be in a better place for yourself.

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