What our perception and thinking can do
To dream and believe they can create
To shape the future and create new possibilities – through a thought-provoking, creative and inspiring personal coaching process, to get the best out of life, in a unique and authentic way. Because we have the desire and need to create a meaningful life, personally and professionally.
When everything is comfortable, flowing and pleasant, most of us will not reach the process of personal training. Usually the need and desire arise following external events that are forced upon us, a deep feeling that something is not going our way, a lack of satisfaction and pleasure, frustration and the need for significant change. When the desire for progress and the creation of a more appropriate and precise future, a desire for improvement in life, arise in you, it is time to begin the process of personal training.
When something doesn’t happen the way you expected or wanted, the tendency is to think it’s a matter of reality, possibilities, missed opportunities, or other people failing us. But in fact, even if there is a certain amount of truth to this, the deeper truth is that it’s probably fear and your own perception of the world that are stopping you more than anything else from achieving what’s right for you right now.
In the process of personal coaching, we will identify these places, which will enable tremendous progress and the fulfillment of a path you only dared to dream of. Personal coaching greatly assists in achieving significant goals, while removing obstacles in the way, understanding internal and external behavior, ways of communicating with the world, connecting to internal needs, strengths and challenges in yourself, and the true meaning of behavior and action in life itself.
In the coaching process (as well as sometimes in coaching workshops or consulting groups) we look at the worldview that has served us to date, and how it serves or serves less on the path to achieving goals. We will examine: Does the perception match your current desire? What are the habits and behaviors that worked and did not work, what is their impact on results, and what is needed to create change in order to overcome fears of change and achieve your goals today?
In the process of coaching, we will seek to understand and build what is most right for you now in life with a forward-looking perspective – what and how you would like your life to look now, what is the path that will allow you to advance goals and aspirations in life, overcome setbacks and move forward.
Important to know: Entering a coaching process is a declaration of commitment to yourself and to the personal and professional advancement of your life. During 6-10 sessions, usually held once a week, a work plan is built to create change.
A process of professional personal training can take place both in a face-to-face meeting at the clinic and remotely via a phone call or Zoom and the like.
Our natural tendency is to want to meet face to face in order to get to know each other, to be in the same space so that trust and intimacy are possible. But the Corona days teach us that this is not a limitation. Coaching can also take place over the phone, via Zoom or any other format.
It’s better to connect with the right coach who is right for you and will help you achieve and progress in Zoom than to wait until…
When everything is comfortable, flowing and pleasant, most of us will not reach the process of personal training. Usually the need and desire arise following external events that are forced upon us, a deep feeling that something is not going our way, a lack of satisfaction and pleasure, frustration and the need for significant change. When the desire for progress and the creation of a more appropriate and precise future, a desire for improvement in life, arise in you, it is time to begin the process of personal training.
When something doesn’t happen the way you expected or wanted, the tendency is to think it’s a matter of reality, possibilities, missed opportunities, or other people failing us. But in fact, even if there is a certain amount of truth to this, the deeper truth is that it’s probably fear and your own perception of the world that are stopping you more than anything else from achieving what’s right for you right now.
In the process of personal coaching, we will identify these places, which will enable tremendous progress and the fulfillment of a path you only dared to dream of. Personal coaching greatly assists in achieving significant goals, while removing obstacles in the way, understanding internal and external behavior, ways of communicating with the world, connecting to internal needs, strengths and challenges in yourself, and the true meaning of behavior and action in life itself.
In the coaching process (as well as sometimes in coaching workshops or consulting groups) we look at the worldview that has served us to date, and how it serves or serves less on the path to achieving goals. We will examine: Does the perception match your current desire? What are the habits and behaviors that worked and did not work, what is their impact on results, and what is needed to create change in order to overcome fears of change and achieve your goals today?
The real reason for the fact that there are no pictures from real training processes or training workshops is the ethical professional approach of trainers, which is based first and foremost on maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of the trainee, and professional help. The trust that is created between us in the process is based on the fact that I will never use you and the information you have given me to market myself. The trust between us is one of the cornerstones on which the training process can truly help. However, you can talk to me by phone, schedule an introductory meeting before committing to the process, and even see me in photographs and videos that appear on the blog. I would be happy to help dispel any concerns and fears.
Every time something goes wrong and we encounter a problem, we say to ourselves phrases like “If only I had…”, or “If only I knew how…”
But for the important moves of our lives, there is no right or wrong solution, a “shelf” solution that sits out there waiting for us to take it. We search outside, hoping to find it, but it’s not there. In the important and meaningful things, the solution is an internal matter that is difficult for us to reach.
This can be due to a lack of connection to ourselves, or when it is not clear what we want, love or aspire to, from being overly judgmental and critical of ourselves, fears that arise, doubts… or factors that create fear of believing in our ability to deal with what we perceive as a risk, with a high or unclear price tag. Either way, things don’t move or happen, and the fear grows and sticks.
To this end, I created the training space called “The Plan” – a space for exploration and expansion of consciousness that allows things to happen.
The world is full of solutions, and no solution will fit us exactly, even if it comes nicely packaged in a box. We need to create for ourselves the right process and solution to our problems and challenges, to tailor the specific suit that will fit perfectly!
Can this happen under all conditions? Is it possible alone? The answer is, for the most part, no. What is required is an environment suitable for deep and courageous thinking and a free mental space that allows for the examination of ideas, thoughts, and perceptions. What is required is a challenging factor that will help you break through your own boundaries. Get out of your comfort zone.
Why? Because it’s scary, stressful, and threatens the existing, because no two people are the same, so it’s impossible to copy one from the other, what scares one completely doesn’t move another and vice versa, and because no two solutions are the same and everyone must sew the right suit for them.
So what is possible is to provide the right space, powerful communication, and the in-depth and meaningful process, so that the correct and appropriate testing can be done and your “plan” can be created – and this is exactly what we do in personal training processes.
Each of us has our own mechanism, to allow and not allow things to happen. It takes time to delve into, sometimes to dig, to come up with new ideas with courage and daring and to look at things differently. Then everything becomes easier and practical solutions are very easily found.
Step 1 – “Check in” – First, we get to know each other a little more deeply, making sure that this process is right for you, that I am the right person for you, and that together we can achieve what is right for you now!
Step 2 – Get to know your story. What are your strengths and strengths and also, what is the story through which and with which you conduct yourself in the world, the invisible worldviews, the words that govern you, the secrets that are hidden, the fears, the interpretations. In this process, we will use the methods and approaches of emotional intelligence and narrative training. Together, we work on building the mental infrastructure!
Step 3 – Connect to the emerging future. What is the future you would like to bring into reality, what is the same thing that wants to be created but is stopped? What does it all mean and what level of courage is required? What does it take to overcome to be there? The training will allow a connection to a higher “I”, to greater possibilities, sustainable dreaming and planting courage. And together we work on a plan!
Step 4 – From here to there! How do we reach our goals, how is it implemented in reality, and what do we actually do? What are the steps that will enable us to move forward? In short – we stop talking and start working. We start doing, only after it is clear – 1. What is stopping us 2. Where do we want to get to 3. What are the steps we need to take. Coaching allows for a much shorter process and a process that happens! In short, we get on the ground!
Step 5 – This is how you come out of it – clearer, sharper, listening to yourself, with more connection and courage to do and move forward. I call it “being the next thing in your life…” and that’s really the plan.
There are two ways to go about the training process: one-on-one personal training in a unique program, or group training.
A little about group training
From the day we are born into the family unit and throughout our lives in the company of family, friends, colleagues, and as part of organizations, we grow and develop in social settings and through social interaction, operating within interpersonal relationships and learning about ourselves and ourselves through interaction and dialogue. We form our self-perception and self-esteem through interpersonal relationships, and this process never stops.
Group training – what happens there?
A group is a framework that promotes communication that creates a space of possibilities, including the way to understand whether my message is getting across correctly, whether I am transmitting the message openly and truthfully or subtly, how I am perceived by others, what are the forces that motivate me in my relationship with others, and more. These processes assist in true, nurturing, and empowering personal development. As a social microcosm, the group enables learning about the “self” through meeting the “different,” and while observing the different ways of communication and the reflection of the experience among the other group members.
Approaches in group training processes
There are several approaches to group coaching. The approach is determined by the topic, the group’s goals, and the possible duration of the activity (short-term and long-term). In the groups I facilitate, I operate with two group coaching approaches: Content-Process Groups – a group that combines learning and enrichment on the topics for which the group exists, while incorporating group processes; and Dynamic Groups – a group that works to advance the group’s goals while focusing on discourse and relationships, in the here and now of the group, while using helpful tools from the world of play and art.
How do you choose group training to achieve the right goals for you?
Group training is also a process that aims to contribute to each individual who participates in the training, and therefore – it is important to choose the training framework, both individual and group, so that it suits you. It is important to choose an appropriate group, because the goal of the group produces the main content that it will deal with, and related topics will be woven around it. The main topic of the group and the characteristics of the group members are the framework in which you will operate, progress and develop, therefore it is important to choose a group that deals with issues that are significant to your life, that will contribute to your advancement and personal development.
Group training – is it for me?
It is important to say first that a group is a framework that suits most of us. Sometimes it seems that a one-on-one relationship would be a more correct solution, but this is not necessarily true. A group has many advantages that arise from meeting with a variety of voices, with people in a similar situation, with exposure to additional knowledge that each person brings to the group from their world, and from unique encounters. The dynamics of a group are effective, powerful, and very progressive. If the group works on issues that speak to you, I recommend that you choose a group training framework.
The training process requires openness, closeness, and trust, so it is important to choose a personal trainer who will meet your needs. It is important to pay attention to: Does the trainer specialize in the subjects in which you will need training? Is the training concept they operate based on suitable for you? Do they have sufficient professional and life experience? And perhaps most importantly – do you like the trainer as a person?
Here are some opening sentences that trainees brought to me in the personal training processes I provide:
Coaching has become a profession over the course of over fifty years. It did not happen overnight, it is a fascinating process of professional development, unparalleled in this period. In fact, coaching has created the natural connection between several disciplines that deal with the space that will allow a person to perform at their best.
The changes in the world, the era of globalization, greater movement between workplaces and cultures, have created an understanding of the importance of the human being as the source of the power to create change. “Every person can create better and have a more significant impact when they are connected to what they do in the most profound way. …”, not necessarily a matter of money, status or title. Thus, the authentic development of the person has become a subject of investigation and deepening.
This process changed the human perception of the idea of work – from a source of livelihood to a way of fulfillment, and of course influenced the conduct of organizations and even the conduct of the family. You said fulfillment and authenticity, connection to the self and to the powers, you said coaching! The scope of development and the impact that this knowledge has on humanity is enormous. It is not for nothing that the coaching profession has become a significant leading profession in all that relates to the processes of change that we all experience in this revolutionary reality.