Tilly G. Lieberman

Team training
Team Coaching

Coaching teams for exceptional achievements

Team training to create partnerships on a different level.
For better achievements in a changing world.

Team coaching is based on understanding the dynamics of the individual and the group as a single unit. By focusing on the collective capabilities of the team and developing trust, significant improvements in communication, cooperation, mutual commitment, and effectiveness are possible. Team coaching focuses on a deep understanding of the shared power of individuals as a common unit, leading to impressive results and an experience of cohesion, satisfaction, and fulfillment.

Define and align around an inspiring vision. Create a workable action plan, commit to mutual accountability, and make decisions that are meaningful to the organization. A process of observing, learning, and delving deeper into relationships and processes above and below the surface.

Team training Team Coaching

Team coaching is the process of centering the team, goals, vision, values, and relationships between team members internally and with external parties within and outside the organization.

The focus is on advancing the team as a unit, deepening the meaning of teamwork and the true value that a team can create. Executive coaching and promoting leadership skills takes place through one-on-one professional personal coaching, unlike team coaching in which all team members participate in order to refine and improve joint work at various levels.

The complex and unpredictable reality, the speed and burden of knowledge, the complexity of the tasks, and the deployment in the world, require us to help each other, to collaborate, and to change the concept of leadership in order to adapt to the new era.

The best way to help managers and teams create a partnership that enables better performance is with the help of team coaching, a relatively new expertise in the coaching world.

Why team training is important now more than ever!

In many organizations, the term team is used when grouping people under the same manager, team leader. Are we a team or a group of people working together?

To answer the question, we need to examine – do we have a common goal? Is there significance to our connection in order to achieve results? Is there a dependency between us? Do we work together on different levels? If the answer is no, the meaning is that we are a team as a title and not a team as a substance. As a unit.

How to turn a group of people into a team

The essence of team coaching is to enable the team to create something greater together, to bring significant added value to all stakeholders and together with all stakeholders. The complexity of the tasks requires greater collaboration. Talented people choose to stay where they are good at on a social team level. A place that manages to promote action and creation, and not get stuck under bureaucracies and ego competitions or crippling politics. In addition, the world is increasingly moving to a virtual state, so collaboration and good, conscious communication are more necessary than ever.

The goal is to create a process that focuses on the team as an entity. Creating a clear, shared goal, the right combination of forces that provides more value than each individual. Effective connection and understanding of all stakeholders, and learning and development of the team.

3 Misconceptions About Team Achievement –

1. If each member of the team has wonderful abilities and achieves achievements, the team will be a successful team.
2. If everyone does their job, we will achieve the required results.
3. If each of us has a good relationship with the manager, we will be able to do the job properly.

What it takes to succeed!

The speed and rapid technological changes have made us all dependent on others to know more and make complex decisions. If leadership once spoke in the voice of one hero or another, the one who knows the leader, the brain behind it, these times are changing the perception in light of reality. We have moved on From leader to leadership, plural. Leadership is not a one-time event of one person, but a developmental process of many partners who take part in it along the way.

In the process of team training, we will examine what is needed right here and now in order to promote the team’s effectiveness and the achievement of goals. We will examine and define the innovations that must be created to deal with the future and with predictions that are beyond imagination. It is clear to everyone that in order to achieve achievements, we will need a team that knows how to work together, that trusts each other, that operates in healthy cooperation, this is the comparative advantage in the new era.

The era in which an omnipotent manager or a limited number of talents are sufficient to drive and create the success of an organization is over.In an era of enormous complexity, insane frequency of change, multicultural, international and virtual, it is impossible to take the risk and rely on individuals. We are in an era where the success of an organization is the success of teams and joint work.

How do we make it so that it actually happens?

The main concern over the years has been how to achieve results, how to streamline and improve, work on better processes and collaboration. All of these are true and significant, but reality proves that they are not enough to create the success of a team. Understanding the way of working together, the ongoing communication, the connections, the trust and the mutual commitment, are the most important foundation for creating success over time.

The perspective for building a successful team

1. An immediate-term view will focus on results, on providing a here-and-now response to all stakeholders, partners and customers.
2. A short- and medium-term view will focus on improving processes, relationships and partnerships
3. A long-term view will address the question of how we will create the best future, how we will create more value for all stakeholders and team members, how we will work smarter, more tailored and enjoyable, rather than overloaded and boring.

In professional coaching for managers, the focus is on the individual’s ability to lead, on leadership and the individual’s influence on the team, on skills, ways of thinking and conducting in order to help the individual perfect the leadership “mindset.” In team coaching, we include all team members together in a joint process that allows us to examine the essence of the joint work, the value that the team brings to all stakeholders*, and together we create the emerging future.

Questions and answers about team training

Team coaching is a relatively new field of the last twenty years. In all my years of employment as an engineer and project manager, organizational consultant and later in a second career as a group facilitator and professional coach for managers, I examine how I can benefit and assist people as individuals and as groups. I believe in the power of a group to create fundamental change! And in the power of leadership to create a better world through sharing, communication and joint creation, and therefore I have been working to promote new leadership concepts and progressive and effective communication in organizations, for over 15 years, in various ways.
In recent years, I have chosen to focus on professional coaching for managers and helping them create personal leadership change as trailblazers, and from there I expanded my studies and my attempt to help teams succeed greatly from a different, shared perspective.
You can read more about my professional experience and education here.

What makes me a great team coach:
High emotional intelligence
Ability to hold multiple perspectives and skills
Proven background in working with groups
Proven background in executive coaching
Only when working with organizations and the complexities of large systems
Ability to work with a wide variety of tools
Collaboration with other coaches
Willingness for reflective self-observation and learning, and seeking guidance

Team coaching is often done by two professional coaches who are experts in working with teams. The expertise is expressed both in the acquired knowledge and education required to understand group dynamics and team processes within an organizational context, and in experience working with teams and groups in organizations. My partner in team coaching processes is senior professional coach and team trainer Nurit Ben Moshe .

⇐Member of the International Coach Federation (ICF) at the PCC level

⇐MCIL Senior Coach is a member of the Coaches’ Bureau in Israel.

Academic degrees:

MA Group Facilitation in the Arts

B.Sc Industrial Engineering and Management, Graduate of Shenkar Engineering Art Design

Adler Institute Coaching Studies

Group facilitation studies at the Adler Institute

From experience over the years and certainly in the recent period since the outbreak of the Corona virus, the issue of leadership and teamwork has become more hybrid and often more challenging. Team training touches on and promotes topics such as:
– Developing capabilities for working together – communication, creativity, trust, commitment, coordination, a shared vision and values ​​with which to act and move forward, creating innovation and clarity
– Building joint work processes to achieve the desired results
– Connecting the team to its strengths in order to increase the scope of possibilities and perspectives and create a whole that is greater than its parts.
– Understanding the shared story, building psychological security, developing skills for collaboration and dealing with conflicts
– Expanding the capacity for mutual and collaborative learning
– Defining the essence, goal and priorities
– Understanding the work environment
– Identifying obstacles and barriers on the way to results
– Developing confidence in the team as a unit that can be relied upon and in leadership
– Psychological safety – the belief that we will not be punished or humiliated for expressing our opinions, asking questions, raising concerns or making mistakes. Is there room for different opinions? Is there encouragement for expressing different opinions?
– To create a respectful and binding discourse. Our words and our commitment have meaning.
– Feedback that allows the team to learn and grow in the first phase, and develop a culture based on trust and authenticity. Feedback is a process that creates meaningful communication and establishes trusting relationships, and it is not always done or done correctly.
– Reflection and learning based on experience and inquiry.

Three ways to help:

Coaching for teams in formation – creating the right connection and communication to transform a group of talented individuals into a team that marches together. Helping the team focus and act to reduce gaps in the needs of the various stakeholders, helping the team create different ways and new possibilities for working together.
Team coaching – supporting and challenging the team to create coherence, mutual investment and accountability, to create meaningful results for themselves, their stakeholders and the “ecosystem”. It includes work in the emotional, cognitive, practical space, and creates space for growth, development and learning as individuals and as a team.
Training managers to work better and more accurately with teams

Team readiness for the training process:

Team training can take place in any situation, but the highest efficiency will occur when there is the right infrastructure. Without the right infrastructure and enabling leadership, the maximum benefit from the process will not be obtained.

What is required:
1. A leader with high emotional intelligence, who is interested in the process or at least does not object.

2. Team members see the importance of team advancement, are active and participate in dialogue towards shared understanding, decision-making and results. There is a dialogue between team members
3. An enabling organizational culture that encourages experimentation in a safe environment and failures as part of the learning process

The organization’s readiness to conduct a team training process

An organization that provides a significant space for learning, and sees learning processes as a critical tool for dealing with ongoing changes, increasing the effectiveness of teams and the entire organization, achieving significant goals, and aligning personal needs with organizational needs.

Managers’ readiness for the team training process.

Management and leadership are developmental processes that require work on several levels, developing professional and personal skills, and moving from thinking independently about oneself and one’s abilities to thinking broadly about team members, the organization, goals, and needs. Accompanying a manager in a personal coaching process helps overcome fears, upgrade perceptions and skills, and think from a new perspective that enables success and progress. Team coaching allows you to move from the stage of dealing with limitations and difficulties arising from internal dynamics to joint and progressive creation.
New and beginning managers, who have made the transition from being part of a team to managing a team, are busy and concerned primarily with how to achieve effective results, understand the big picture, and not get swallowed up in the pressures of everyday life. In the second stage, the challenges will be in issues such as conflicts, shared leadership and delegation, team building, and only when they are established in the role will there be more appeals to deal with the parts of motivation, compassion and empathy, engagement, and influence.

  1. Who does our team work serve?
  2. What do our stakeholders need from us as a team?
  3. What support and help do we need to operate at our best?
  4. What can we achieve from collaboration that we cannot achieve from parallel individual work?
  5. These are harmful practices and behaviors that prevent us from succeeding together.
    Who should we promote collaboration with and how?
  6. How can you catch up on the little changes and learn quickly?
  7. What do we need to do today to ensure our future growth?
  8. How we work towards participatory leadership

Read more about team training

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